SWARM-Bot Firmware  v1.0
Mobile robot OS - Embedded C/C++
File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234567]
 init.cUser board initialization template
 user_board.hUser board definition template
 board.hStandard board header file
 interrupt_avr8.hGlobal interrupt management for 8-bit AVR
 interrupt.hGlobal interrupt management for 8- and 32-bit AVR
 parts.hAtmel part identification macros
 gas.hAssembler abstraction layer: GNU Assembler specifics
 mrepeat.hPreprocessor macro repeating utils
 preprocessor.hPreprocessor utils
 stringz.hPreprocessor stringizing utils
 tpaste.hPreprocessor token pasting utils
 assembler.hAssembler abstraction layer and utilities
 compiler.hCommonly used includes, types and macros
 progmem.hProgram memory access
 status_codes.hStatus code definitions
 conf_board.hUser board configuration template
 __adc__.hHeader file for adc.c
 __dc_control__.cHeader file for dc_control.c
 __dc_control__.hHeader file for dc_control.c
 __format__.cHeader file for format.c
 __format__.hHeader file for format.c
 __INT_0_1__.hHeader file for INT_0_1.c
 __kinematics__.hHeader file for kimenatics.c
 __odometry__.hHeader file for odometry.c
 __pwm__.hHeader file for pwm.c
 __swarm_wold__.hHeader file for dummy purposes
 __timer0__.hHeader file for timer0.c
 __timer1__.hHeader file for timer1.c
 __timer2__.hHeader file for timer2.c
 __usart__.hHeader file for pid.c
 _pid_.cGeneral PID implementation for AVR
 _pid_.hHeader file for pid.c
 asf.hAutogenerated API include file for the Atmel Software Framework (ASF)